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Works CitedNotes and acknowledgments: All translations are my own unless otherwise indicated. Many thanks to Richard Leppert (Professor), Rembert Hüser (Associate Professor), Christian Haines (PhD Candidate), and Emily Lechner (B.A. Summa Cum Laude) for their careful readings of various drafts of this paper. Many thanks to Ben Lukas Boysen, Marcel Weber, Prof. Todd Presner, and Hypercities.com for media assistance. Two scholarships made much of this research possible: first, a scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), with sponsorship from Peter Wicke and the Centre for Popular Music Research at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; and second, a grant from the Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies with funds provided by the Freie Universität Berlin. Finally, my deepest thanks to my colleagues at das Archiv der Jugendkulturen (The Archive of Youth Cultures) in Berlin; the archive provided many of the research materials that made this article possible. The conclusions, opinions, and other statements in this publication are the author’s and not necessarily those of his friends, colleagues, and/or sponsoring institutions.
Books and Articles Attali, Jacques. Noise. Trans. Brian Massumi. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1985. Belser, Alexander. X-Sample: Love Parade — Kulturwissenschaftliche Beobachtungen zu Techno, Pop und Rave. Hamburg: art & communication Verlag, 1999. Bey, Hakim. T.A.Z.: The Temporary Autonomous Zone, Ontological Anarchy, Poetic Terrorism. Brooklyn: Autonomedia, 1991. Boym, Svetlana. The Future of Nostalgia. New York: Basic Books, 2001. Borneman, John and Stefan Senders, “Politics without a Head: Is the ‘Love Parade’ a New Form of Political Identification?” in Cultural Anthropology. Volume 15, Number 2 (May 2000). Ed. Daniel A Segal. Arlington: American Anthropological Association. Butler, Mark. Unlocking the Groove: Rhythm, Meter and Musical Design in Electronic Dance Music. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2006. Fatone, Gina. “We Thank the Technology Goddess for Giving Us the Ability to Rave: Gamelan, Techno-Primitivism, and the San Francisco Rave Scene” in Echo: A Music-Centered Journal. Volume III, issue 1 (Spring 2001). http://www.echo.ucla.edu/Volume3-Issue1/fatone/fatone1.html. Fink, Robert. Repeating Ourselves: American Minimal Music as Cultural Practice. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2005. Garcia, Luis-Manuel. “On and On: Rhythm as Process and Pleasure in Electronic Dance Music.” Music Theory Online. Volume 11, Number 4 (October 2005). Society for Music Theory. http://mto.societymusictheory.org/issues/mto.05.11.4/mto.05.11.4.garcia.html. Goetz, Rainald. Celebration. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1999. _____. Rave. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1998. Hitzler, Ronald and Michaele Pfadenhauer, eds. Techno-Soziologie: Erkundungen einer Jugendkultur. Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 2001. Johnston, Lynda. Queering Tourism: Paradoxical Performances of Gay Pride Parades. New York and Oxon: Routledge, 2005. Klein, Gabriele. Electronic Vibration: Pop Kultur Theorie. Hamburg: Rogner & Bernhard, 1999. Krims, Adam. Music and Urban Geography. New York and Oxon: Routledge, 2007. Mertens, Wim. American Minimal Music: La Monte Young, Terry Riley, Steve Reich, Philip Glass. Trans. J. Hautekiet. London: Kahn & Averill, 1983. Muri, Gabriela. Aufbruch ins Wunderland? Ethnographische Recherchen in Zürcher Technoszenen 1988-1998. Zürich: Zürcher Beitäge zur Alltagskultur 8, 1999. Rapp, Tobias. Lost and Sound: Berlin, Techno und der Easyjetset. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 2009. Reynolds, Simon. Energy Flash: A Journey through Rave Music and Dance Culture. London: Picador, 1998, 2008. Reynolds, Simon. Generation Ecstasy: Into the World of Techno and Rave Culture. New York: Routledge, 1998. Thornton, Sarah. Club Cultures: Music, Media and Subcultural Capital. Hanover and London: Wesleyan University Press, 1996. Westbam. Mix, Cuts & Scratches: mit Rainald Goetz. Berlin: Merve Verlag, 1997. Wiechmann, Peer. “Love Parade 2000 — Brot und Spiele für das Volk?” in Journal der Jugendkulturen. Volume 2 (June 2000). Bad Tölz: Thomas Tilsner, 2000. 10–15. Worthington, Andy. Stonehenge: Celebration and Subversion. Loughborough, UK: Alternative Albion, 2004.
Visual Materials be.Angeled. Dir. Roman Kuhn. Perf. Mark Spoon and Lexy. 2001. DVD. Universum Film GmbH, 2001. Berlin: Symphony of a Great City. Dir. Walter Ruttmann. 1927. DVD. Image Entertainment, 1999. Groove. Dir. Greg Harrison. 2000. DVD. Sony Pictures, 2000. Human Traffic. Dir. Justin Kerrigan. 1999. DVD. Miramax, 2000. Love is the Message — The Parade Documentary. VHS. Studio K7, 1995. Loveparade: Masses in Motion. DVD. BMG, Ariola Media Gmbh, 2003. Run Lola Run. Dir. Tom Tykwer. 1998. DVD. Sony Pictures, 2008. Techno City: Ein Wochenende in der Berliner Szene. Dir. Joachim Haupt. SFB, 1993. Trainspotting. Dir. Danny Boyle. 1996. DVD. Miramax Home Entertainment, 2004. We Call It Techno: A Documentary about Germany’s Early Techno Scene and Culture. Dir. Maren Sextro and Holger Wick. DVD. Sense Music and Media, 2008.
Selected Discography Alec Empire. Generation Star Wars. Mille Plateaux MP CD 11, 1994. Atari Teenage Riot. Burn, Berlin, Burn! Grand Royal GR042, 1997. Da Hool. Meet Her at the Love Parade. B-Sides #005, 1997. Einstürzende Neubauten. Kollabs. Zick Zack ZZ 65, 1981. Ellen Allien. Stadtkind. Bpitch Control BPC 021 CD, 2001. Various. be.Angeled: Original Soundtrack. Modul 74321 86511 2, 2001.Various. Loveparade: The Anthems. Kontor Records 0191092KON, 2008.
Online References www.de-bug.de www.drmotte.de www.ellenallien.de www.fuckparade.org www.groove.de www.lexykpaul.eu www.loveparade.net www.mark-spoon.com www.mijkvandijk.de www.schlagermove.de www.streetparade.ch www.tanith.org www.techno.de www.technoviking.tv www.westbam.de www.wollexdp.info New Berlin Club Mile - websites: www.berghain.de www.clubmaria.de www.tresorberlin.de www.raw-tempel.de www.water-gate.de www.week-end-berlin.de
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