I have had the pleasure of teaching a course entitled Paul Robeson: An American Life for the past fifteen years through the UCLA Program in African American Studies. My interest in Robeson goes back to my early childhood in the late 40s and early 50s, when my leftist parents not only regularly played his records, but also held him up as a model of human achievement and excellence. Professionally, I make it a point to keep up with all the major Robeson literature, ensuring that my classes will reflect the latest scholarship and other material providing insights and analyses of his magnificent, multifaceted, and occasionally tragic life.
- When I learned that his son, Paul Robeson, Jr., had published an
account of his fathers first forty-one years, I was simultaneously
excited and apprehensive. On the one hand, I was intrigued that Robeson,
Jr. would draw on the rich array of his personal conversations with
his father and others, and the many private letters and unpublished
diaries of his parents Paul and Eslanda Robeson. Such material would
inevitably yield magnificent insights into Paul Robesons development
into a world-class athlete, stage actor, scholar, singer, film star,
linguist, and political activist. By virtually universal agreement,
his brilliance in all these arenas made him one of the most widely
renowned African Americans of the 20th century and, in my view, the
quintessential genius and renaissance person in American history.
It would also, inevitably, provide a revealing glimpse into his private
life, illuminating his troubled marriage, sexual escapades, and problematic
- My apprehension derived from these latter features of Paul Robesons
life. I make it clear both in my class and in numerous public speeches
about Robesons life and times that he is the most remarkable
person I have encountered in recent history. I emphasize that my heroes,
most notably Paul Robeson, are not required to be perfect, because
perfection is an impossible ideal given the complexities of the human
experience. Still, I know from my own research over the past thirty
years that spouses and children of famous people can often be highly
defensive about their husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, and other
close relations. I was mildly concerned that Paul Robeson, Jr. would
write a hagiography, providing yet another celebratory account of
a man whose stature speaks eloquently for itself. But as his son so
aptly notes, his true image
needs no polishing or protection
(xiv). The Undiscovered Paul Robeson is an honest, straightforward
biography, which provides both scholars and laypersons with a deeper
insight into the private Paul Robesonhis struggles and triumphs
alike. My initial reaction, accordingly, proved half-correct: my excitement
was fully justified but my apprehension was entirely unnecessary.
The book constitutes a major and impressive addition to the extant
Robeson literature, allowing readers a marvelous opportunity to learn
(or learn more) about the man historian Joseph Dorinson has called
the greatest legend nobody knows (7).
- This new book covers familiar territory but with significant new
perspectives. Readers gain powerful insights into Robesons inner
life as he navigated the path from early childhood to world-renowned
artist and political activist. The author draws on valuable source
material to reveal intriguing details about Paul Robesons relationships
with other family members, especially his own father, Rev. William
Drew Robeson, whose moral and intellectual guidance lasted an entire
lifetime. He also pays careful attention to the effect of Paul Robesons
mothers death in an accidental fire when he was only five years
old. This tragedy left emotional wounds on Robeson that his son perceptively
suggests may never have completely healed. It may also explain some
of the emotional difficulties Robeson experienced throughout his life.
Perhaps above all, the book provides revealing clues into how the
private Paul Robeson, the man with an international reputation for
his robust personality, artistic stature, and political courage, wrestled
intermittently with serious self doubts and insecurities.
- The Undiscovered Paul Robeson also provides a splendid account
of his early lifeincluding his debilitating battles against
racism throughout his educational careerfrom the egregious hostility
of his high school principal to the more subtle (but sometimes overt)
discrimination he encountered as a Rutgers University undergraduate
and a Columbia University law student. Discerning readers will well
understand that these encounters with racism pervaded Robesons
consciousness throughout his life, forming one of the major foundations
of his later political militancy. The book likewise provides intriguing
material about Robesons magnificent athletic career, including
his All-American performances at Rutgers and his much lesser known
triumphs as a professional football player during his legal studies
at Columbia. This background is vital even now, when Robeson is only
belatedly receiving recognitionstill only partial recognitionas
one of the greatest athletes of the 20th century.
Paul Robeson as Brutus Jones in Eugene ONeill's play, The Emperor Jones.
- The book is similarly replete with useful details about his training
and development in all these creative enterprises. Robeson worked
relentlessly and diligently to move from artistic competence to artistic
excellence. Drawing on valuable primary sources, his son shows just
how meticulously his father worked and prepared. Although the volume
treats Robesons artistic career comprehensively, it provides
substantial detail about his musical focus, specifically how he worked
assiduously to perfect his technique and to solidify and broaden his
musical repertoire. Especially significant was his powerful commitment
to African American spirituals. These magnificent songs, reflecting
both the spiritual yearnings and political resistance of his people,
were the foundation of Robesons concerts and recordings throughout
his long career. Once again, while Robeson specialists and most American
historians and musicologists are well aware of his role in restoring
spirituals to their rightful historical stature, newcomers to Robeson
studies have much to learn about this vital cultural development.
Eslanda and Paul Robeson
- Robeson Jr. candidly chronicles the often tumultuous relationships
between his parents from their marriage in 1921 to 1939, the time
frame of the present volume. Again using diaries, letters, and his
own recollections of conversations with his parents and their friends
and associates, he shows how both were frequently estranged from one
another and how Paul Robeson all too often placed his career aspirations
far above his marital and family obligations and responsibilities.
Throughout the book, readers encounter the serious conflicts between
Paul and Eslanda. Frequently on the verge of divorce, the spouses
had numerous disputes, some arising from Robesons professional
priorities, some from his oddly passive attitudes and behaviors, and
still others from his extramarital affairs. For large periods of time,
the partners lived apart; son Paul, the books author, was sent
off to live for a long time with his grandmother. While never explicitly
stated, readers are leftcorrectly, I believewith a strong
impression of Paul Robesons mediocre parental record and concern.
Still, as candid as the book is on these points, it never degenerates
into the kind of lurid detail so pervasive in contemporary memoirs.
Indeed, the strongest impression is that for all their difficulties,
Paul and Eslanda Robeson shared a mutual if complicated love and respect
throughout their lives together. This too emerges clearly from the
- A major feature of this biography involves Paul Robesons
radical political development. This record has simultaneously made
him one of the most significant African American political figures
of the 20th century and has tragically been responsible for his horrific
blacklisting throughout the 50s as well as the disgraceful neglect
of his reputation. Especially fascinating are the accounts of Robesons
increasing dedication to the domestic struggles of African Americans,
the struggles against colonial domination in Africa and throughout
the world, and his increasing fondness for the Soviet Union and his
friendly relationships with communists in America and elsewhere. The
story of Robesons political activism is, to be sure, a major
story in itself. Like the artistic record so well presented in the
book, the authors political account is well known in the community
of Robeson scholars. And likewise, it is equally useful for those
seeking to learn more about this legendary figure of modern history
and culture.
- In his Preface to The Undiscovered Paul Robeson, Robeson,
Jr. promises a second volume that chronicles his fathers life
from 1939 to his death in 1976. There he expects to provide an account
of his fathers role as a prophet in search of full freedom for
his people.
Paul Robeson
Paul Von Blum
University of California, Los Angeles
Works Cited
Dorinson, Joseph, and William Pencak, eds. Paul Robeson: Essays on His Life and Legacy. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 2002.